Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, August 07, 2006

From a Recent Acquisition

Look on her ruined her altars;
He dwelleth there no more:
Think what her empty Churches
Have been in times of yore;
She knows the names no longer
Of her own sainted dead,
Denies the faith they once held,
The cause for which they bled.
From the poem "Jubilee of 1850" by Adelaide Procter
Oh, mighty Mother, hearken! for thy foes
Gather round thee, and exulting cry
That thine old strength is gone and thou must die
Pointing with fierce rejoing to thy woes
And is it so? The raging whirlwind blows
No stranger now than it has done of yore
Rebellion, strife and sin have been before
The same companions whom thy Master chose
We too rejoice: we know thy might is more
When to the world thy glory seemeth dim
Nor can Hell's gates prevail against Thee,
Who hearest over all th voice of Him
Who chose thy first and greatest Prince should be
A fisher on the lake of Galiee
From the poem "The Church in 1849" by Adelaide Procter


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