Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's A Small World

Today Perpetua and I were walking from an internet cafe, where I placed a bid for some vintage holy cards, on our way to a flat which was open for inspection, when we met the scholarly sacristan from St. Aloysius. He was browsing the nearby discount stores in search of a suitable basket or box in which to place the Church altar linens, which have a habit of disappearing. Unfortunately he had little fortune (or should that be providence) in finding something suitable and was about to try some stores on the opposite side of the road but not before imparting to us some "wisdom" on the recent controversy over Mel Gibson. It was yet another roadside encounter with members of our Traditional Mass congregation, the previous memorable moment being a meeting with the assistant sacristan (yet another university professor) and his wife while Perpetua and I ate churros (Spanish donuts) with a warm chocolate dipping sauce.


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