Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Friday, August 04, 2006

The latest commentary from "that site" (some readers will know which one) has recorded the observations or rather objections of one American priest to a Mass being shown on EWTN. Among the priest's objections were to the sense of sacredness and solemnity, the use of Latin (language) and Roman vestments, the lack of women in the sanctuary, and the absence of an offertory procession, sign of peace and communion under both kinds. While this may be an isolated case, it does demonstrate the difficulty which the Church faces in any "reform of the reform" because too many Catholics have become either comfortable or complacent when it comes to the Mass. Again there are those, mainly theologians, who are the source of the pathetic state of the liturgy, by introducing interpretations of documents which are ambiguous, erroneous and sacreligious. How will the Church bring them into line with any reform? It didn't do it in the years after Vatican II and hasn't done it since, with a few exceptions. And let us not forget the bishops, who have responsibility for enforcing matters of disciplines but out of "pastoral concerns" often do not interfere where abuses are taking place. While the Pope must bear wrongs patiently will he out of fraternal charity instruct the ignorant and admonish the sinful?