Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Our own Cardinal Pell has again raised the ire of Muslims with his latest interview with the National Catholic Reporter, while in Rome for the meeting of Vox Clara on the new English translation of the missal. His Eminence reiterated his earlier comments in a speech to Catholic businessman by referring to the intolerance of Islam and immutability of the Koran.

While I am not competent to make any comment, though readers may regard this post as a comment in itself, I would like to take the opportunity to ask a trivial question: Why do some Muslims believe in discharging firearms at public events? Is it a modern adaptation of the ancient practice of raising the sabre or scimitar at councils of war and courts of kings? I am sure some psychologists may interpret it as a sign of aggressive and violent tendencies but perhaps there is something else.

On another matter I have just watched the Iranian film The Colour of Paradise and I strongly recommend watching it, particularly for the dramatic climax. It deals with the relationship between a blind boy, who wants to be able to experience life, and his father, who is ashamed of him. The tension experienced by the father to get rid off his son can be confronting but on the whole the film is rewarding. Keep a close ear for the monologue between the boy and the blind carpenter, it is pure poetry.


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