Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Veni Sancte Spiritus

I have been fortunate to have heard two wonderful sermons on this the feast of Pentecost. On Saturday night St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians provided the inspiration for a renewed call to shun the works of the flesh and bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit, in particular to avoid being deceived by entertainment and media. However what was most important was to realise that the spirit which we have received is the spirit of Christ and that we must permit it to form us in his image. Today I was reminded that the Holy Spirit is a mysterious figure in scripture whose distinctive action among the persons of the Trinity is hidden but is essentially to enlighten minds and inflame hearts. Further as the outpouring of the love between the Father and Son, every action done out of charity is a sharing in that love.

Suum Sanctum Spiritum Deus delegavit,
In die Pentecostes Apostolos confortavit
Et de linguis igneis ipsos inflammavit,
Reliquere orphanos eos denegavit


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