Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Apologies to those who are not following the 1950 calendar and were wondering about my last posting. Since my missal listed it, I naturally made comment on it.

For all those commemorating the feast of the Visitation, perhaps you would be interested in the following thought:

"Mary carried Jesus in her womb to Elizabeth out of charity, may we carry Jesus in our souls after Mass to those in need, also out of charity."

I have commenced reading That The Be One by Fr. Robert Nash SJ and the first part is on charity, which Fr. Nash refers to as the Christian's label, because our Lord said that "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (Jn 13:35)

In the same book he writes that opportunities to practice charity are like "diamonds for the eternal crown strewn across our daily path: all we have to do is stoop down and collect them ... Precious gems of great holiness lie strewn across our path every other day. Those who are wise and those who are keen, stoop and pick them up. Only the fool, who has no notion of their worth, leaves them lying there or even kicks them out of the way."


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