Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Quotable Quote 5

Zenit today featured an interview with Fr. Richard Neuhaus and he offered the following on the state of the modern liturgy:

"The banality of liturgical texts, the unsingability of music that is deservedly unsung, the hackneyed New American Bible prescribed for use in the lectionary, the stripped-down architecture devoted to absence rather than Presence, the homiletical shoddiness ... The heart of what went wrong, however, and the real need for a "reform of the reform" lies in the fatal misstep of constructing the liturgical action around our putatively amazing selves rather than around the surpassing wonder of what Christ is doing in the Eucharist."

I think I might keep on file the expressions, "unsingable music deservedly unsung" "an absence of presence" and "the Christ in Christian".


  • Wonderful! Jude you must flood the Juventutem blog as we have been linked on the New Liturgical Movement blog and have lots of eyes looking at us!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:23 pm  

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