Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, May 22, 2006

Suffering for Christ

Reading the martyrology can be one of the most hallowing yet harrowing experiences. In fact some of the sufferings endured by the martyrs could only have been conceived by the most malignant of demons because of their inhumanity.

For example, during the month of May we are told of St John in a cauldron of boiling oil, St Victor standing as molten lead was poured over him, St Dioscorus between red hot metal plates, St Aquila torn to death by iron combs, St Basilicus forced to wear iron shoes pierced with nails, the martyrs under Maximian Galerius crushed to death or suspended over a fire to be slowly asphyxiated, and St Conon and his twelve year old son placed over a rack.

Of course these are nothing compared to what our Lord endured during his passion and death, for in addition to the sufferings in his body there were the sufferings in his soul and to his honour.

So during these Rogations days let us petition the Lord and his martyrs on behalf of the Church, that it may continue to resist the culture of death and be a sign of contradiction.

Omnes sancti martyres, Orate pro nobis

PS Pray the new centre-left government in Italy does the right thing and does not grant legal recognition to civil unions, in particular those between homosexuals. While the autonomy of the state must be respected, its legislation must be in accordance with the natural law and promote the good of the traditional family and marriage.