Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, June 05, 2006

Quotable Quote 7

Browsing the internet I came across an article by Fr Ian Ker on Evelyn Waugh and it included this quotation from the novelist:

"The spectacle of the priest and his server at low Mass, stumping up to the altar without a glance to discover how many or how few he had in his congregation; a craftsman and his apprentice; a man with a job which he alone was qualified to do. That is the Mass I have grown to know and love."

I am forever grateful that the Tridentine Mass which Waugh loved so dearly still lives, and that the priest who stands at the altar to offer the sacrifice to God, sacrament to men, remains the only one qualified to do so. I might add that it is always the greatest honour to be an apprentice to the priest of God.


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