Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, May 08, 2006

Holy Hollywood, Batman!

I have just been spending some time looking at The Ultimate Guide to Celebrities Hollywood, which includes sections on the cemeteries and churches of Hollywood. The Catholic churches listed make interesting reading since many of the stars associated with them were from the Golden Age of Hollywood and, with a few exceptions, I never knew they were Catholic. The cemeteries section also makes interesting viewing particularly some of the grave markers and statues.

The Catholic cemeteries are Calvary, Holy Cross and San Fernando Mission.
The Catholic churches are Blessed Sacrament, Good Shepherd, St Charles', St Martin of Tours', St Monica's and St Victor's.

To have a look yourself click on the following links:

Though not a Catholic, the creator of 'Batman' Bob Kane had among the lines written on his grave marker:
"Batman and his world personify the eternal struggle of good versus evil, with God's law prevailing in the end ... [he] is known as the Dark Knight but through his deeds he walks in the Light of a Higher Power."


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