Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

SBS television screened an informative documentary last night on Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century, which included an expose of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a piece of fiction which unfortunately has been taken for fact and been circulated for over a hundred years by just about everyone including Bolsheviks in Russia, automobile manufacturer Henry Ford in America, Nazis in Germany, Arabic and Muslim organisations, Russian Orthodox churches, US supermarket Walmart and the New Zealand National Front. Its contents have even been dramatised as a 41 episode television series, which has been screened during the holy month of Ramadan.

For those unfamiliar with the work, it claims to describe how the Jews would corrupt and conquer the world by introducing a flood of evils such as alcoholism, pornography and war, not to mention permitting ideologies such as Darwinism, Liberalism, Marxism, Materialism and Socialism. Studies, however, have demonstrated it is plagiarised from the Dialogues in Hell, written against Napoleon III, which in turn was based on The Mysteries of the People, in which Jesuits are the antagonists.

Now I am sure this post is likely to cause offence to some people, but the blogger would like to point out that no single nation, people or religion can be blamed for the evils of history, for each has at some point committed acts which are evil and hence sinful, even us Catholics.