Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Falling Births and Fasting from Fuels 2

I wonder if the Catholics in Springfield were inspired by Arlo Guthrie's song Massachusetts

Like a dream in the night, As the snow settles white
There's a fire burning bright, In Massachusetts
And there's a house upon a hill, That keeps us from the chill
And by the grace of God, We will be in Massachusetts

Or maybe it was the Bee Gees song of the same name

Talk about the life in Massachusetts,
Speak about the people I have seen,
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
And Massachusetts is one place I have seen.

PS To readers from the Bay State may you continue to stand upright for freedom's light and give thanks to God.

PPS I noticed the state song of Massachusetts contains the words "live long and prosper", the same words which Mr. Spock frequently uttered and which actor Leonard Nimoy, a devout Jew, took from the Jewish priest's benediction over the congregation.


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