Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Quotable Quote 22

Msgr. Francis Friedl, who is known for his effective communication skills, has this to say about homilies, "People's time today is precious. If you don't save time, you've done them a real disservice."

I would like to know if the Church thinks the same principle applies to the entire Mass, judging by the preference for Eucharistic Prayer II and the proliferation of Eucharistic Ministers, even when the priest can afford to distribute communion himself.

And a few lines from the blogger's pen:
As I proceed to the altar on the sanctuary floor
It feels like I am entering through a stage door
The time has come again when I must perform
Try to entertain the crowd as part of the reform
A bead of sweat trickles down, my heart races
Turning towards the people, I see all their faces
Seated in their pews, waiting with bated breath
Ready to give sentence, if they're bored to death
This time belongs not to God, rather it is theirs
It must be profitable, when you have other cares


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