Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ode on the Mass from the Ablutions to the Last Gospel

When all have received, the ciborium is returned to its place
Wine is poured into the chalice while the priest asks the grace
That what we have taken we may receive with a pure mind
And in this temporal gift an eternal remedy for our soul's find
Water and wine now flow into the chalice, over his fingers
He dries them on the purificator so no sacred particle lingers
While saying may this body and blood his soul to cleave
So refreshed by the sacrament no stain of sin it leave
Having consumed the water and wine, the chalice is veiled
Returning to the epistle side God is thanked and hailed
Facing the faithful the priest says the Lord be with you
Before the deacon intones the dismissal on the cantor's cue
Bowing before the altar the priest prays that this sacrifice
Be pleasing to the Trinity and for our pardon suffice
Blessing the people in the name of the most holy Trinity
He reads St John's account of Jesus' origin from eternity
For Christ is the Word, source of life and the light
Which John gave witness that men might believe aright
Who came into the world but his own received him not
But those who received Him he gave power to be begot
Not of blood or flesh but God himself by whom we live
So before the Word made Flesh let us genuflect and give
Him the adoration and thanksgiving which he has claimed
That at least in this one duty we need not feel ashamed
Deo Gratias

© Lactantius 2006


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