Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The latest Commentary from that site (you probably know which one) makes reference to a very interesting rite, the Degradation from the Order of Bishop, which appears in the Pontificale Romanum.

The formula of the rite is recited by the pontiff and begins:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Because We, having learned by way of accusation or condemnation or investigation of the crime committed by Bishop [name], owing to his own confession or legal proofs, find clearly that he has committed the very crime. And because the crime is not only great but also damnable and ruinous and so enormous that consequently it is not only offensive to the Divine majesty but also the entire community has been disturbed, and because of this he has been rendered unworthy of office and of ecclesiastical benefit, We, therefore, by the authority of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and by Our own authority, formally deprive him forever of every such office and ecclesiastical benefit by this Brief, and We depose him from these by word and pronounce him in deed really and truly deposed and degraded according to the tradition of the Canons.

The formula continues:

We strip you of the prerogatives of episcopal office, which is symbolized in the pallium, because you have abused these. We denude your head of the mitre, that is to say, the adornment of the episcopal office, because you have dirtied it in your exercise of it. Give back the Book of Gospels. Because by your office of preaching, through which the grace of God is spread, you have made yourself unworthy, we justly deprive you of it. The ring, to be sure, the sign of the Faith, we rightly take away from you, because you have purposefully violated the Church, the bride of Christ. We take back from you your pastoral crosier, in order that consequently you will not be able to exercise the office of correction that you have defiled. We thus strip you of spiritual blessing and the dispensation of mystical grace, as far as we can, in order that you lose the office and effect of offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and of blessing. [At this point the pontiff cuts the formerly anointed hands and fingers of the degraded bishop with a knife to prevent his offering Mass or blessing again.] We void by erasing the faculties of consecration, blessing, and anointing handed down to you, and we strip you of the rank of bishop, for which you have been rendered unfit. [At this point the pontiff cuts head of the degraded bishop with a knife, where he was made a cleric by tonsure. Finally, the pontiff strips the degraded bishop of his very shoes.]

Since the modern Church places great emphasis on episcopal autonomy and collegiality, it seems very unlikely the pope would ever resort to this rite. However the Church should be mindful of the words of Sts. John Chrysostom and John Eudes, "the road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops."


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