Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Friday, July 21, 2006

UCA News has reported that Cardinal Kapser in his address to the Federation of Asian Bishop's Conferences said:
  1. The Second Vatican Council maintained that the church of Christ has its concrete location in the Catholic Church.
  2. Unity is a fundamental concept in both the New Testament and Creeds, yet divisions have arisen through Church history.
  3. Christian unity is not accidental but at the centre of God's will and the Catholic faith, while division is against God's will and Christ's intention.
  4. The goal of ecumenism is full communion yet this is not a simple return to the Catholic Church but rather a common pilgrimage to the fullness of catholicity that Jesus Christ wants for his church. The closer we come to Christ in this way, the closer we come to each other in order, ultimately, to be fully one in Christ.
  5. What we need primarily is a spirituality of communion and unless everyone follows this spiritual path, external structures of communion would serve very little purpose.

Could someone please inform me as to the meaning of "a common pilgrimage to the fullness of catholicity" and "a spirituality of communion".