Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, July 17, 2006

Quotable Quote 19

From an interview on Zenit with Archbishop Ferreira da Costa Ortiga, primate of Portugal:
"If on one hand we are witnessing the adherence of many people to this co-responsibility [for the mission of Christ and His Church] -- having the laity take on tasks that traditionally were of priests, and priests being freer to do what corresponds to them, not only in the liturgy but also in other areas, fewer priests, therefore, are necessary, because before, the priest did everything. On the other hand, we also know that the number of priests is beginning to diminish based precisely on our customs and traditions."

Reading these words I cannot fail to notice that His Grace seems to draw a distinction between "tasks that were traditionally of priests" and "what corresponds to them", as though in the past priests were assuming responsibility for what was not theirs. Yet if we ask ourselves what is the task of priests, what is proper to their office and vocation, we find an eloquent answer in the prayer of Pere Henri Lacordiare OP, the reformer of the French Dominicans:

To live in the midst of the world without wishing its pleasures; To be a
member of each family, yet belonging to none; To share all sufferings; to
penetrate all secrets; to heal all wounds; To go from men to God and offer Him
their prayers; To return from God to men to bring pardon and hope; To have a
heart of fire for charity, and A heart of bronze for chastity; To teach, pardon,
console, and bless always. What a glorious life, And it is yours O priest of
Jesus Christ.
The Archbishop's comments that "fewer priests are necessary" raises an important question of whether a shortage of priests is a crisis,particularlyy when we consider that a priestly or religious vocation has always been an exception and Christ Himself only called twelve men to share and continue his ministry. I for one believe that priests and religious are necessary in the Church, and should not have their duties diminished by automatically handing them to the laity. Their life is meant to be the closest to Christ and if it means they have to do that little more, so be it. God will give them the grace and in due time the reward.