Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Firmly I believe and truly, God is Three and God is One

Ah Trinity Sunday, the consummation of the sacred mysteries which we have been following from Christmas and Epiphany through Passiontide and Easter to the Ascension and Pentecost. It is a day to recall our baptism in the name of the three divine persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; a day to recall our mission to preach and teach all those who we encounter in our lives, if not by words then certainly by our works; a day to recall that the Mass itself is an affirmation of our belief in the triune God, with every moment lifting our hearts and minds to one or all of the divine persons.

Yet as the curtain falls on the dramatic moments in the history of our Redemption, another curtain rises as we enter the public life of our Lord, enter into the midst of the disciples who witnessed His miracles and parables, for we too have been called by Him. And let not familiarity with them cloud our thoughts for the Word of God is deeper than the waters which it made.

Laus Deo Patri, parilique Proli, et tibi, Sancte, studio perenni, Spi­ritus, nostro resonet ab ore, omne per aevum.

PS For anyone wanting to enter a little deeper into the parables of our Lord, read the Mystery of the Kingdom by Msgr Ronald Knox.


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