Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Random Liturgical Musings 5

I have a prayer card which contains three prayers to be said over a dying person for the remission of all their sins and their redemption from purgatory. At the top of the card there is in fine print these words: "We humbly ask every priest to leave the Host and Chalice elevated a full minute at the Consecration of Mass."

I mention this because today I was acting as thurifer for a Missa Solemnis and unfortunately the priest did not hold the Host or Chalice for a full, let alone half, minute, which caused me some frustration. For no sooner had I made a double incensation at the priest's first genuflection that I had to make two more in quick succession and I had not time to properly adore Christ amidst the rising smoke.

So what I would like to know is if there are other Catholics who have experienced insufficient time to adore Christ during the elevation and if they think that a minute is an appropriate period of time. (NB. I have not got round to checking the rubrics for the elevation.)


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