Pro Sanctis et Fidelibus

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sacraments and Orders (Minor and Major)

Ode on the Seven Sacraments

In baptism an infant into the holy Catholic Church is admitted
And from that day to the commandments and creed is committed
In confirmation a child by the bishop is anointed with oil of chrism
And receiving the Holy Ghost must fight for truth against schism
In confession a girl examines herself, excites herself to compunction
And admitting her sins, receives pardon, penance and an injunction
In the Eucharist a boy offers sacrifice to the Trinity through our Lord
And receives under bread his body, like under flesh came the Word
In matrimony a woman and man become one by mutual consent
And their indivisible bond of love, bears children holy and innocent
In holy orders a man is given powers to bless, preach and forgive
And the greatest of all to daily offer the Mass as long as he may live
In extreme unction the sick are exorcised and cleansed of their sin
And confided to God, health or heaven sought that a new life begin

Ode on Minor and Major Orders

The porter is given responsibility of the church's care,
ringing the bells and holding the book before the preacher
The lector is given responsibility to intone the lesson,

bless bread and fruit, be the catechumen's and children's teacher
The exorcist is given responsibility for casting out demons,

ushering aside non-communicants and pouring out water
The acolyte is given responsibility of the lights and candles,

assisting the sacred ministers prepare at the altar
The subdeacon is given responsibility to sing the epistle,

bring the sacred vessels to the altar and give peace to the choir
The deacon is given responsibility for reading the Gospel,

preparing the chalice and preaching if there's no one higher
To the priest is given responsibility of offering the mass,

baptizing infants, absolving penitents and anointing the infirm
To the bishop is given responsibility to govern the church,
instruct the faithful, consecrate churches and children confirm


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